Fur Hats For Men

Fur Hats For Men
Fur Hats For Men

One type of fur coat in particular served many uses in the 19th century and was rendered quite popular and extremely useful: beaver. In that time, they were used for things such as jackets, collars, coats, and fur trimmings. Needless to say, they were considered quite valuable. So valuable, in fact, that the demand began rise and since regulations were poor, beaver soon became and endangered species! Beaver fur hats were considered a symbol of status for men, and beaver fur coats for women. Due to endangered species crisis, they adopted a new trend to associate with wealth by substituting beaver hats with silk hats. Tighter regulations today have deterred any population threat to the beavers.

Fur Hats For Men

Fur Hats For Men

Fur Hats For Men

Fur Hats For Men

Fur Hats For Men

Fur Hats For Men

Fur Hats For Men

Fur Hats For Men

Fur Hats For Men
Fur Hats For Men

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