Evolution of Lasik Eye Surgery in America

Evolution of Lasik Eye Surgery in America
Evolution of Lasik Eye Surgery in America

When you think about Lasik eye surgery, you may still think of the old technique where the eye was cut slightly using a scalpel. Today, Lasik eye surgery is completed using only lasers, and is the number one way to correct your eyesight without having to worry about using contacts or glasses for the rest of your life. The surgery is very individualized, and is tailored to your personal vision needs, no matter how minor or severe they are.

How Lasik Surgery Works

Lasik eye surgery in America was once a fairly new procedure, but today it is a simple surgery that can be completed in just a couple of hours. What happens when you use Lasik technology to correct your vision is that a laser literally reshapes the cornea, which will significantly reduce or eliminate any vision problems that you currently have. The laser has been made so that your personal optical fingerprint is used to make the corrections, so that there is little chance of error.

With the special digital fingerprint of your eye to use to make the corneal corrections, you will be able to avoid undergoing the scalpel when you have Lasik eye surgery in America. You can be in and out of the office where you have the procedure done in no time, and experience fewer complications than ever since you won't have any kind of invasive procedure performed.

Evolution of Lasik Eye Surgery in America

What to Expect

When you want to have Lasik eye surgery in America, you will find that there are many different ways that the surgery can be completed. You will normally have the surgery performed in the optometrist's office, although some doctors prefer to use the hospital for the procedure. You will need to make sure that you have someone drive you to the appointment, so that you won't have to worry about driving home, since you won't be able to use your eyes for a few hours after the procedure.

You will need to have the basic exam performed before you are approved for Lasik eye surgery in America, since there are a few people who can't use this procedure to help them permanently correct their vision. You will also need to make sure that you leave your contacts of your eyes for a certain period of time, so that when you have your eyes digitally scanned, the optical fingerprint will be correct.

Costs and Other Considerations

Your main optometrist can help you decide whether or not Lasik eye surgery in America is right for you, or if you need to have another type of procedure done. Since there are some people who won't benefit from this procedure, it is really important that you follow your doctor's advice, and make sure that you take advantage of follow up care to make sure the procedure worked as it was planned to.

The cost of Lasik eye surgery in America will depend on your location, and what all you need done before and after the procedure. You will find that there are many financing options available to make the procedure more affordable, however.

By Sourav Sarkar

Evolution of Lasik Eye Surgery in America
Evolution of Lasik Eye Surgery in America

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